Well50: Wellness Reimagined

Well50: Wellness Reimagined

Hosted by: Ellen Funk

Welcome to Well50: Wellness Reimagined where we explore transformative wellness strategies and celebrate the vibrant, dynamic lives of women over 50. Hosted by Ellen Funk, a former management consultant turned life...

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The Wellness Plan that Works for You

In this episode of Well50: Wellness Reimagined, we explore how to create a personalized wellness plan that fits your unique needs, especially tailored for successful professional women over 50. Join me as we discuss...
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Heart Beats: The Cardio Code

In this episode, we delve into the critical role of cardiovascular exercise, especially for women over 50. Join me as we uncover the essentials of cardio, its numerous health benefits, and practical tips to seamlessly...
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The Power of Protein

In this episode, we dive into everything you need to know about protein, one of the essential building blocks of our bodies. Join me as we explore what protein is, its critical roles in the body, and why ensuring...
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The Magic of Three Meals a Day to Lose Weight & Feel Great

Welcome to the next episode in my Wellness Tips to Live By series - The Magic of Three Meals a Day to Lose Weight & Feel Great, where we unwrap the incredible benefits of one of the most crucial eating habits for...
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Let's Start Moving!

In today's episode, I am thrilled to share my super simple, yet incredibly effective 5-step process designed to get you moving. Say goodbye to complex routines and hello to FunkFit Start—a method I've developed to...
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Wellness Tips to Live By #2 - Make Every Meal a Rainbow!

This podcast is the second in my Wellness Tips to Live By series.  In it I share a habit that will transform your meals and maybe even your life. Eat a fruit or veggie at every meal. A fundamental part of lasting...
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Wellness Tips to Live By #1 - Easy, Nutritious, and Delicious - The Simple Path to Wellness

In this first episode of my new series, "Wellness Tips to Live By," we focus on a simple yet transformative approach to nutrition: making healthy eating effortless and limiting junk food a conscious choice. We discuss...
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Wellness Wisdom: My Journey to Empowering Women

Register for my Free LIVE The 4 Secrets to a Lifetime of Fitness Masterclass here. In this episode I am going to share with you my journey to coaching women about fitness, nutrition and wellness. Over the past several...
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Sleep After 50: Why We Need It and How to Get It!

This episode is all about sleep, why we need it and how we can get it. Here’s what we will talk about… Sleep issues for women become more common and worsen during menopause. A study from the National Sleep Foundation...
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Start Moving: Debunking the Myth of Weight Loss as the Ultimate Motivator

This episode is all about motivation, your why for making changes in your life. Specifically, the motivation to move more. Here’s what we will talk about… Why weight loss and better health are very poor motivators to...
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